xoves, 30 de abril de 2020


Hello kids and families!!

A próxima semana comezaremos a usar Snappet en todos os cursos de Primaria, de primeiro a sexto. É unha plataforma na que teredes os temas e as tarefas de inglés e nela ireivos indicando que tedes que facer cada día que teñamos clase. Todo faise nesta web, á que podedes ir botando un ollo se queredes (https://es.snappet.org/).

Podedes acceder a ela desde ordenadores, tablets e smartphones. É moi sinxela e divertida de usar. Todo o que facedes queda rexistrado e temos un chat na mesma web para ir comentando o que non entendemos ou o que nos gusta máis ou menos.

Para poder darvos de alta metendo o nome e apelido de cada neno e nena os pais ou nais que falten por mandar a autorización deben facelo canto antes. Faise enviando ao meu correo (teachercolesigras@gmail.com) o seguinte:

Eu (nome do pai ou nai) autorizo a (nome do/a alumno/a) a utilizar Snappet.

Non se vai a utilizar o nome dos/as nenos/as para nada máis que para saber quen é á hora de acceder á súa clase. Non hai máis datos asociados a eles/elas.

O próximo martes (05/05/2020) enviareivos a todos/as os que esteades rexistrados/as o voso usuario e contrasinal para que accedades á web (tedes que ingresalo só unha vez e xa queda gravado). É importante que todos usemos GOOGLE CHROME pois é a forma de que Snappet non dea fallos e nos deixe colgadas ;)

Unha aperta xigante e espero que nos guste a todos/as esta nova ferramenta e nos facilite a comunicación e a aprendizaxe!


mércores, 29 de abril de 2020

30th April 2020: Infant Education

Good morning my dear little children!! Here we have a new adventure...

Robin, Daisy and Mouse want to be bakers!! Would you like to be a baker?

[vimeo 413243549 w=640 h=564]

30th April 2020: 1st Grade

Hello children!! How are you today?

Here we have a new video called "Poor Mr. Bear". If you like it you can send me a picture about it to "teachercolesigras@gmail.com".

[vimeo 413244705 w=640 h=564]

30th April 2020: 6th GRADE

Good morning, kids! How are you on this Thursday morning?

Today I have a different video for you. It is called "The best surprise" and it is like a video diary. Enjoy it and answer the questions.

[vimeo 413289134 w=640 h=564]


1. Have you ever moved?

2. Do you like surprises? Which was the best you can remember?

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

29th April 2020: 5th Grade

Good Wednesday morning!! How are you today?

Here we have a new video called "The bugs poem":

[vimeo 412867725 w=640 h=564]

1. Do you like poetry?

2. Did you like this poem? Why?

3. Try to write a short poem in English.

29th April 2020: 2nd GRADE

Good morning, kids! Good Wednesday morning!

Watch this video about "The Mouse and the Bird" and answer the two questions below.

[vimeo 412868313 w=640 h=564]

1. Do you like strawberries? What other fruits do you like?

2. Which is your favourite season: spring, summer, autumn or winter?

29th April 2020: 3rd GRADE

Good morning, children!! How are you today?!

Here we have a video called " Where's my guitar?" and there are some questions for you.

[vimeo 412869217 w=640 h=564]


1. When is the big concert?

2. Where's Sam's guitar?

3. Who gives the guitar back to Sam?

luns, 27 de abril de 2020

28th April 2020: 1st GRADE

Hello children, good morning! How are you today?

Here we have a new video about a hand print... whose hand is it? Enjoy the video!

[vimeo 412611589 w=640 h=564]

28th April 2020: 6th Grade

Good morning, children! How are you today? I'm sure everybody is fine!!

Here we have a new video called PIRATES' COVE.

[vimeo 412610439 w=640 h=564]

1. What do you think about Tom and Maggie? Are they brave, irresponsible, daring?

2. Do you like pirates stories? why?

28th April 2020: 4th GRADE

Good morning, children! How are you today?

Today we have a new video called "Miss Flower Pot". Watch it and answer the questions.

[vimeo 412483292 w=640 h=564]

1. What does Mr. Evans always do in the morning?

2. What do the birds always do in the morning?

3. Who is Miss Flower Pot?

27th April 2020: Infant Education

Good morning, little kids!!

Here we have a new adventure!! Watch it and enjoy:

Robin and Daisy want to be shopkeepers! But... look at Mouse!

[vimeo 411967567 w=640 h=564]


27th April 2020: 4th GRADE

Good morning, kids!! How are you today?

Here we have another kind of activities. I hope you like them. Let me know if you finde them easy or difficult!

Activity 1. Click on the mistakes!

Activity 2. Write in the correct order.


27th April 2020: 2nd GRADE

Good Monday morning, children!! How are you today?

Here I bring a game for you. It is a memory game about Animals, I hope you like it.

Click here to play! Have fun!

Big hug!!

27th April 2020: 3rd GRADE

Good morning, kids!! How are you today?

Here we have a new kind of activities for you, I hope you like them:

Activity 1. Correct the mistakes!

Activity 2. Click on the mistakes again!

Let me know if you liked them and if you found them difficult or easy!

Big hug!

27th April 2020: 5th GRADE

Good morning, children!!

Here we have another type of activity.

Activity 1. Re- write the words in the correct order.

Activity 2. Find the mistakes in the sentences!

Let me know here in the blog if you liked these activities and if you found them easy or hard!

xoves, 23 de abril de 2020

24th April 2020: 6th GRADE

Good morning, children!!

Here we have a new video called "Discovery", try to understand as much as possible and answer the questions!

[vimeo 411166986 w=640 h=564]

1. What different types of plastic are there?

2. Where did Professor Nicholas Spencer study?

3. Where is he from?

4. How long has he been working at the ETH Zurich?

24th April 2020: 5th GRADE

Hi, kids!! How are you today? Friday... at last ;)

Here we have a new and interesting video about some British explorers...

[vimeo 411168098 w=640 h=564]


1. What was the name of the main boat?

2. Where did the explorers want to go?

3. What were the names of the boats that took them back to the UK?

24th April 2020: 4th GRADE

Good morning kids!!

Here we have a new video called "We had a concert".

[vimeo 411170972 w=640 h=564]


1. What instrument does Amy play?

2. Where was the concert they are talking about?

24th April 2020: 3rd Grade

Good morning, children!!

Friday again... and here there is a new video:

[vimeo 411175536 w=640 h=564]

1. What did they see in the museum?

Some videos about the BOOK DAY

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zO_FG_Exro&w=560&h=315]

Did you know that...

The main aim of World Book Day in the UK and Ireland is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading by providing them with the opportunity to have a book of their own.

And... To help young people to do that, book tokens are given out at schools, including some nurseries and secondary schools.

World Book Day

Hello children!

Today we are celebrating the World Book Day, so we are going to have different and special activities.

If you feel like, once you do them you can send it to teachercolesigras@gmail.com, then I can publish it here so everyone can see them!

3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades

From 1st to 6th grade

From 1st to 6th grade


WORLD BOOK DAY (23rd April 2020)

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

22nd April 2020: 5th GRADE

Good morning, children!

Here we have a new video called "Deep Sea Adventure". Watch carefully and answer.

[vimeo 410364581 w=640 h=564]

1. What powers did the children choose?

2. What's the name of the new fish?

3. Was it a real discovery?

22nd April 2020: 2nd GRADE

Good morning, children!

Here we have a new video called Toy Land. Watch it, enjoy and try to understand!

[vimeo 410361668 w=640 h=564]

Where is Norman? ;)

22nd April 2020: 3rd GRADE

Good morning, children!!

Here we have a new video, it is called "SuperHero World".

[vimeo 410351148 w=640 h=564]

1. Do you like superhero stories?

2. Have you ever dressed up as a superhero? Which one?

luns, 20 de abril de 2020

21st April 2020: 1st GRADE

Good morning, girls and boys!!

Today you will have to learn 5 words:


You have to click here and then, listen and match. It is fun and you learn easily and fast!


21st April 2020: 4th GRADE

Hi Children!! How are you?

Here we go again.

This is a video called Ancient Rome, you have some questions below.

[vimeo 409958068 w=640 h=564]

1. What's Vindolanda?

2. Where is it?

3. What did the Romans use to make bowls?

4. What were the spoons made of?

5. What materials did they mostly use?

21st April 2020: 6th GRADE

Good morning, kids! How are you today?

Here it is, a new video called "Engineering Projects".

Watch it carefully and answer the questions!

[vimeo 409953380 w=640 h=564]


1. Where is the Brooklyn Bridge?

2. What river does it cross?

3. When was the Beijing subway first opened?

4. Have you ever been on the subway?

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Let's have a BIG week!

20th April 2020: Infant Education

Hello my dear little kids!!

Here we have a new adventure with Mouse, Robin and Daisy.

Watch it and enjoy because today they want to be Train drivers!

[vimeo 409554640 w=640 h=564]


20th April 2020: 5th GRADE

Good morning 5th graders!! How are you this morning? I hope you are happy and looking forward doing the English activities ;)

Here we have a new and nice video called "Plants" about the Eden Project. Watch it and answer the questions:

[vimeo 409551434 w=640 h=564]


1. Where is the Eden Project?
2. Why do we need plants?

3. What can we finde inside apples?

4. What kind of plants do you see everyday?

20th April 2020: 4th GRADE

Good morning, children!! How are you today? I hope you feel lively and strong this Monday!

Here we have 2 different activities.

First, you have to click here to go to the new page where you will review the Appearance Vocabulary. There you click on the pictures to hear the words and try to learn all of them.

Then you do the same by clicking here. This time you will have to learn the Animals Vocabulary.

Have a nice Monday and let me know if the vocabulary was easy or difficult for you. ;)

20th April 2020: 3rd Grade

Hello third graders!! How are you today? Are you ready for a new week? I bet you are!

Here we have a new video called "Activities", let's watch it and answer the questions!

[vimeo 409546499 w=640 h=564]

1. What are the children making at the Art Classes?

2. Do you make art at school? What type?

20th April 2020: 2nd GRADE

Good morning, children!! Here we go with a new week!

Today I have a new video for you, it's called "The senses" and it tells us about the 5 senses:

- Taste

- Sight

- Hearing

- Touch

- Smell

Watch it carefully and try to understand as much as possible!

[vimeo 409544031 w=640 h=564]

xoves, 16 de abril de 2020

17th April 2020: 3rd GRADE

Hello kids!! How are you today? I hope you are happy, today is Friday!

Here we have a new video called "Cooking".

Remember: watch carefully and answer the questions!

[vimeo 408599581 w=640 h=564]


1. What do you need for making that omelette?

2. What do you need for making that salad?

3. What do you need for making that smoothie?

17th April 2020: 4th GRADE

Good morning, children! How are you today?

Here there is a new video called Safety. Watch it carefully, enjoy and answer the following questions:

[vimeo 408592635 w=640 h=564]


1. What do the children wear when they go snowboarding?

2. What do those boys wear when they go kayaking?

3. And what about the people at the beach?

17th April 2020: 5th GRADE

Hello children!! How are you, kids?!

Today we have a new video, called Your Health. Watch it as many times as you need, and answer the questions.

[vimeo 408569091 w=640 h=564]


1. What do you need to stay healthy?

2. What sports do you play?

3. Why are sports good exercise?

4. What are the healthiest kinds of food?

5. Is Japanese food healthy? Why?

17th April 2020: 6th GRADE

Hello, children!! How are you today?

Some of you did a great job yesterday. Keep working like this!

Today we have a new video about The Human Body. Watch it carefully and answer the questions.

[vimeo 408561317 w=640 h=564]


1. When do you use your bones and muscles? Give some examples.

2. What makes bones together?

3. How many bones has one foot?

4. What are tendons for?

5. How can you keep your bones and muscles strong?

mércores, 15 de abril de 2020

16th April 2020: 1st GRADE

Hello kids!! Today we have two fun and different activities.

Click the links (big letters) and they will lead you to online Picture Dictionaries:

Here we have the COLOURS.

And click here to review simple ACTIONS.

Have a nice time and you will learn fast!

16th April 2020: 6th GRADE

Hello kids!! Look what we have here, Dallas Clayton have something new for us:

1. Do you like this poem?

2. What is the author trying to say?

3. What does the word FREEDOM means for you today?

Morning, Calvin!

... Well, now there is!

martes, 14 de abril de 2020

15th April 2020: Infant Education

Hello little kids!! How are you today?? I can't wait to see you and see how big you are now!

Here you have a new video with Robin, Daisy and Mouse! Today, they want to be... cats!! meow!

[vimeo 407721553 w=640 h=564]

15th April 2020: 1st & 2nd GRADE

Good morning, children! I hope you had great holidays at home!!

Today I have a song for you, by listening to it you will review the family vocabulary we have already studied, so you will easily sing it!



But also, I will leave you here a link to the art studio, where you can colour the drawings anytime you want to relax yourself a bit ;)

15th April 2020: 6th GRADE

Good morning, children!! How are you today?? I hope you are all great.

Here we start our special third term with a video about pollution.

Enjoy and answer the questions.

[vimeo 407715181 w=640 h=564]


1. Why should we recycle?

2. What does David make?

3. Why should we avoid going by car?

14th April 2020: 3rd GRADE

Good morning, kids! Welcome to "school", today we start the third term and here you have a new video. Watch it carefully and answer the questions!

[vimeo 407512029 w=640 h=564]


1. Where are they?

2. What food do they need?

3. Which is your favourite fruit?

14th April 2020: 4th GRADE

Hello kids!! Welcome to the Third Term!!

Here we have a new video called "The best bed" and some questions about it:

[vimeo 407506148 w=640 h=564]


1. What happened to Max's bed?

3. Which bed did Max want to buy?

3. What did they decide to do finally?

14th April 2020: 2nd GRADE

Good morning, kids! Welcome to the 3rd Term. I hope you had an excellent time at home these days.

Here you have 2 games for practising your English:



Have a nice Monday! ;)


14th April 2020: 5th GRADE

Welcome back! How were your Easter holidays? I hope you had a nice time at home!

We are back and the third term starts today, so here we go with a video called "Celebrations" and some questions about it.

[vimeo 407500802 w=640 h=564]


1. What does the Chinese New Year celebrate?

2. Where do most families eat that day?

3. What happens at twelve o'clock?

4. What do they do in the afternoon?

sábado, 4 de abril de 2020


Hello children!! Good Saturday morning!

Today feels like a great day to decorate Easter Eggs, don't you think? If you want some ideas I leave you a video with 8 ways to decorate Easter Eggs!



xoves, 2 de abril de 2020


Dear boys and girls, tomorrow the EASTER HOLIDAYS start and that's why I will leave you different activities for you to do. I hope you enjoy these days and you practice some English ;)

Feel free to do and use any material you find here. It's for you:

- If you click here there is some vocabulary about Easter, you can test yourself and see if you know it!

- There is also one memory game with some Easter vocabulary.

And here there is a video everyone can watch to learn more about this tradition:


Pop-up Puppets!

I wish you a Happy Easter and fun holidays at home! Look on the bright side of things and enjoy family time!


mércores, 1 de abril de 2020

2nd April 2020: 1st GRADE

Good morning, kids! How are you today?

Let's watch "The magic pencil" and enjoy!

[vimeo 403064545 w=640 h=564]

If you want to, you can draw a MONSTER and you can show it to me back in school, ok?


2nd April 2020: 6th GRADE

Good morning, kids!!

Here we have a video about WATER.

Watch it, pay attention and answer the questions!

[vimeo 403057405 w=640 h=564]

1. What are the four stages of the water cycle?

2. Why is the SUN important?

3. What happens when the clouds become heavy?

4. Can we drink rain?

1st April 2020: 5th GRADE

Good morning, kids! We star a new month today, we have to be brave and go for it!

Here we go, April, and here we have a new video about professions...

[vimeo 402865642 w=640 h=564]

Answer the questions:

1. What would the girls like to be when they grow up?

2. What would you like to be when you grow up?

1st April 2020: 3rd GRADE

Good morning, third graders!! Here you have a new video and some questions about it:

[vimeo 402863510 w=640 h=564]

Answer the questions:

1. Who is JIM?

2. Where does he work?

3. Would you like to work with animals?

1st April 2020: 2nd GRADE

Hello children!! We are in April already, we have to celebrate!

Here you have a video about playing after school, enjoy it!

[vimeo 402862573 w=640 h=564]

Try to right a new title for it if you can!

Get your tickets!

Their own school play goes like this: