sábado, 21 de novembro de 2020

They've got talent!

Our fourth graders rock!

They learn fast, they sing well, their favourite sport is gymnastics... and their English is fantastic!

xoves, 19 de novembro de 2020

Fall is here!

Hello to everyone!!

Here we have a new video with our little boys and girls from Fany's Class.

They are really enjoying this time of the year by playing with the leaves and little sticks they find around our playground... So it was just a matter of time for them to start talking about it in English!

martes, 3 de novembro de 2020

Do you like broccoli?

Hello, children!!

Most of you, specially the youngest, really like the song: "Do you like broccoli ice cream?", pero é que o dos nenos e nenas desta clase non é gustar, they LOVE it!!

Saben cantala tan ben que xa aprenderon a falar en inglés do que lles gusta e do que non... They are all huge fans of pizza and chocolate, I must say... but there are also some broccoli admirers!

Aquí temos unha pequena demostración...

Get your tickets!

Their own school play goes like this: