xoves, 18 de xuño de 2020

Happy Summer Holidays!

Hello children!!

The end of the school year has arrived and you all have been great students!

I wish you a wonderful summer, you really deserve it! Have a great time, go to the beach, play with your friends and your family... !!

I can't wait to see you in September!

Big kiss and big hug from your English teacher!



[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQetemT1sWc&w=560&h=315]

martes, 16 de xuño de 2020

Sisters and friends!

There are two new videos! Thank you Elisa and Noa for your beautiful works!

Watch and enjoy! By the way... what a lovely dog!

Noa, 3rd Grade:

[vimeo 429763946 w=640 h=564]

Elisa, 5th Grade:

[vimeo 429767868 w=640 h=564]

Carlota, Lucía and their lockdown...

Here we have 2 new and amazing videos!

Lucía Morlán, 5th GRADE:

[vimeo 429640491 w=640 h=564]

Carlota, 5th GRADE:

[vimeo 429608998 w=640 h=564]

domingo, 14 de xuño de 2020

Tell us about your quarantine days!

O outro día recibín a divertida proposta dunha nena moi traballadora e moi creativa que se chama Nerea e vai en quinto de primaria.

Díxome algo así como: "Mira, teacher, no blog de inglés hai moi poucos vídeos de quinto... que che parece se subimos vídeos do que estivemos facendo esta corentena e o contamos falando en inglés?".

Díxenlle que me parecía unha idea xenial e pensei en facer extensiva a proposta a todos os nenos e nenas do cole, de calquera curso, todos podedes participar mandando un vídeo a "teachercolesigras@gmail.com". Unha vez que o reciba subireino para que todos poidamos velo e desfrutalo! (Os vídeos estarán protexidos co contrasinal de sempre).

Por suposto que inauguraremos esta iniciativa co marabilloso vídeo de Nerea and her little sister, Ana:

[vimeo 429057670 w=640 h=564]

xoves, 4 de xuño de 2020

Welcome, June!

Good morning, children!!

The month of June has arrived and the sun has come out!

Today we have a new video, I hope you like it:

[vimeo 425779180 w=640 h=564]

Also today, we have some crafts for you!! You have to print, colour and make your own puzzle or jigsaw:

Get your tickets!

Their own school play goes like this: